Musing with Max

Musing with Max

January 11, 2012

Panino Panini

Spanish lesson for a Wednesday: Godfather-Padrino.
When Frank's godson was about 1 1/2
and yapping constantly in some language that only his sister could understand his parents made it a point to make sure that he called his godfather "padrino". Being 1 1/2 and not yet having mastered the art of talking the best he could do was "panino". Which of course brought my very obvious response of "Frank, you're a sandwich", and he still is. This to some extent is a compliment, Frank loves sandwiches and is quite skilled at making them so imagine how thrilled and excited he was when my brother and sister-in-law (OK my sister-in-law, my brother is usually clueless) gave us this for Christmas:
And away we went:

Grilled cheese panini

Provolone Cheese
tomato slices
cooked bacon slices
Tuscan bread

Spanish Cold Cut panini

Serrano Ham thinly sliced
Lomo thinly sliced
cantimpalo chorizo thinly sliced
(from the Spanish cold cut packet from Trader Joe's)
cheddar cheese
dijon mustard
Tuscan bread

Roast pork panini

Roast pork sliced
smoked Gouda cheese
gherkins sliced
Tuscan bread
Panini cubano-sort of

Roast pork, sliced
Serrano Ham, sliced
Provolone cheese, sliced (should be Swiss but we didn't have any)
gherkins sliced (should be regular pickles, but again didn't have)
Dijon mustard
Tuscan Bread (should be Cuban, but ditto)
Max loves this panini thingy because there is a really good chance some cheese will come his way. And he can wait patiently as he is wont to do.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Trader Joe's had a Spanish coldcut package.

    Will check that out. My favorite kind of sandwiches I make them on a Foreman grill.

    Love the Cubano. Always make mine that way, never have swiss.

    If I wasn't roasting a chicken for dinner...

    xo Jane
