Musing with Max

Musing with Max

January 20, 2014

In the beginning....

Leave it to Jane. As we Were.

Me at 6 months, my Mom was worried about my hair...or lack of. No prob in the eating department, obviously. I was an 8 lb. preemie, according to her she spit me out, same story for my brother who was also a preemie...or maybe her doctor couldn't count so well. Either way, look at that nose. And yes I had pierced ears, they were done on day's a Cuban thing.


  1. Ohh look at baby Amelia, que linda.

    I wish my ears had been pierced at near birth, then i wouldn't have had to do it myself, do it too low and now am unable to wear earrings.

    Cubans, good food, smart thinking.

    xo J

    1. Gracias.

      Know what you mean about the piercing, when I was 18 a friend asked me to pierce his ears. I remember crying (his, not mine), haven’t seen him since.

  2. A bonny baby! Too much hair early on isn't necessarily a Good Thing - remember how much suddenly washes off in the bath?

    1. Oooh, I love being called bonny, makes me feel Scottish. The hair worked out.

  3. So sweet! I love babies and tots with earrings.

    1. If I remember right the piercing was done with the earrings (my Mom told me that) which looked huge on baby ears but once I grew up they were teeny tiny. My Mom’s house had a break in years ago, they went straight for the jewelry boxes on the dressers and took a whole bunch of worthless costume jewelry and my baby earrings, my Mother cried for days.

  4. Amelia, so cute!!!! I wanted to pierce our daughters' ears when they were born too, but my husband would have none of that! They now have several on both years!!!

    1. There are a lot of people who feel it's not right, cruel or something, same with circumcisions. It's all customs. Never felt a thing!

  5. What a sweet little girl. Wish someone had pierced my ears on day three. At eighteen I about fainted when an M.D. did them - such a wimp!

    1. Not wimpy at all, I've known plenty of people who have had them done as adults...not pretty.

  6. So that's why you speak fluent spanish? What a beautiful baby you were. And lovely now as well!

  7. Pretty baby, fun family facts...Jane had such a good idea!

  8. What a pretty little girl! She is imagining the future...maybe. Such a far off look, so sweet.
